Pilgrimage to Mt. Shasta, September 2014
In 2014 Ulla and I led two groups from Sweden to Mt. Shasta, California, the site of a City of Light that is anchored in the mountain. You can be physically on the mountain and ethereally in the space of the City of Light at the same time. We guided these groups through a range of experiences, especially connecting with the natural world and connecting to spaces within the City of Light.
Entering the Mt. Shasta City of Light
Having driven up as high up on the mountain as a car can carry you, the group forms a circle in a physical space that overlaps the temple space within the City of Light. Gary first explains the upcoming meditation, then the group explores direct psychic contact with the City of Light.
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Blending Points of Awareness With Nature
Outside of Mt. Shasta City and up in the hills to the west is beautiful Castle Lake. In these recordings Gary first discusses the points of awareness. Then he guides the group in blending their points of awareness in a deep psychic experience of nature.
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Meditation With Water
Sitting next to the mountain spring that runs down the middle of Stewart Springs near the town of Weed, CA. Gary guides the group in connecting to the consciousness of the stream and then to remote viewing of nature.
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Three Examples of Setting Space
Each day’s work at Mt. Shasta began with setting space around the group. The exact manner of the space setting varied with the circumstance. Here are three examples: 1) setting space in nature, 2) setting space in the Mt. Shasta City Of Light, and finally 3) Gary discusses and then leads the group in setting space for themselves.