Healing Yourself and Personal Healing Sessions
Ways you can heal yourself!
Each video contains a practical explanation and demonstration of a personal healing practice. Descriptions are shown below.
BB01 I Am Oneness (6:25) page 16
It is the most fundamental meditation. Gary takes you through the first of the meditation from Breaking Bubbles And Awakening Oneness.
BB02 Healing Yourself As A Creator Being (10:11) page 60
To be the source of your own healing—that is a complete re-orientation for most people. And this exercise from the book can create a profound change for you.
BB00 About Bubbles (8:02)
Why is ‘breaking bubbles’ important to you? How bubbles sustain your limitations and produce repeating patterns of behavior in your life is described. Breaking bubbles frees you to find other paths in your life and to liberate your consciousness.
BB03 For Manifestation (8:24) page 61
To be effective in manifesting, be clear when focusing your feelings and thoughts, and release your intention into the cosmos in the full power you possess as a Creator Being.
BB04 Opening Up To Unfolding Creation (10:12) page 67
The energy of unfolding creation is all around us. When we connect to it and align with it, then our capacity as Creator Beings to bring our life into fulfillment is increased.
BB05 Consciousness of the Chakras (27:25) page 78
This meditation strengthens your chakras as centers of consciousness. This balances the qualities of your overall consciousness and improves your ability to meet the challenges of living everyday.
BB06 Clearing the Outer Self (10:41) page 100
The outer self contains many patterns and beliefs that are not in alignment with our Higher Self. As Creator Beings we have created the outer self and we have the power to recreate it in alignment with our conscious intentions for ourselves. Follow along with Gary as he guides you through a meditation to identify and clear a limitation from your outer self.
BB07 Clearing Unexpressed Feelings (17:57) page 111
We are all carrying around with us the feelings and emotions that we left unexpressed in the past. They don’t go away, even if we suppressed them back in childhood. And they often come back up in our present lives when something triggers them. To liberate ourselves from our past, we need to clear these unexpressed feelings.
CA01 Points of Awareness (12:54)
Understanding how you can focus your awareness and be totally in the present moment. Gary shares some important knowledge about the nature of awareness, and he guides you through an exercise that can strengthen your command of your awareness.
CA02 Lemurian Consciousness (7:50)
The Lemurian consciousness in part of you, but is often drowned out by the noise of the everyday world. This meditation is about reconnecting to that important part of our ourselves and reawakening Lemurian consciousness in our hearts.
CA03 Crystalline Energy (11:24)
There is a crystalline grid around the Earth. It has held the consciousness of the Earth’s crystals since long before humans came to Earth. You can connect to the consciousness of the grid and use Crystalline Energy to help clear your light-body.
Personal Healing Sessions
About Healing the Light-body
All life is spiritual life—from our hopes and loves to our fears and traumas. We walk through our lives suspended between the physical world and the world of spirit. The Divine Light within us that is our true essence longs to shine forth and to transform everything that we are.
So many people experience their lives as boxed in by limitations, and often the biggest blockages are within ourselves. We believe that we are stuck with who we are: our heartbreaks, our fears, and our life situations—like a hand of cards we were dealt at birth and which we must hold onto throughout the rest of our lives. But it is only your belief that you have no options that makes you hold onto these cards. Time to let go of old assumption and to make changes in yourself.
We are here to help you. Our mission is to help you change your life in alignment with the highest spiritual potential for your life.
Heal the light-body and change your life. This is the challenge that spiritual life sets before you. You only need to wake up and recognize the power that you already have.
Scheduling Healing Sessions
Gary and Ulla are both available for individual healing sessions. Sessions typically last 75-90 minutes. A great deal of our work is conducted remotely through the internet. Otherwise, we schedule visits to our healing space in Östermalm, Stockholm. Many of our clients are themselves healers. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Contact Gary Kendall at: NewEarthVision@me.com
Contact Ulla Anderen at: ullaanderen@me.com